
If you want to design the answers to the questions on a worksheet suitable for presentation on the web, you should know at least some of the possibilities provided by the language HTML. This page gives answers to a few questions that may arise. Read the answers to the questions and represent the page by clicking one of the buttons "Plain text" or "HTML" below in order to see the action caused by the HTML commands. If you don't want to use HTML at all, only the first three questions are relevant for you.

First of all text. If you like, you may "beautify" it by inserting appropriate HTML commands. This and the issue of links, mathematical symbols and images are the subjects of the remaining questions. Technically, you may insert arbitrary HTML code.

After clicking one of the buttons "Plain text" or "HTML", the sheet is represented in a new browser window. In Netscape Navigator you save the sheet by clicking "Save as" in the browser's menu "File". Accept or change the file name suggested. Microsoft Internet Explorer sometimes does not react as it should if you proceed in the same way. It may happen that the saved file is in fact not the filled-in worksheet but the original page containing the text fields. Also, it may happen that the correct file is saved (and displayed correctly by the browser) but with its HTML code containing unreadable (binary) pieces. This may prevent the possibility of later changes in the code. In all these case you may proceed as follows: Call the HTML code of the filled-in sheet by the browser (by clicking "Source" in the menu "View"). This loads the code into a text editor, and you may directly take over the code (by "copy and paste") into a new empty file (called something.html or something.htm).

The main difference is that "Plain text" respects your line breaks and spaces, while "HTML" formats with respect to the browser window. In the second case, you will have to insert HTML commands (called "tags", written within < > brackets) for intended line breaks and paragraphs. The best results are achieved when you know the mode in which to represent the page already when filling it in. Try both modes with this page and look at their effect on the following: matrix A: 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 5

This is pretty simple. Try it again with "HTML"! Do you reckognize the commands for "line break" and "paragraph"?

matrix A:

1 0 2
3 1 0
0 0 5

By using words in boldface and italics, putting things

in the center,

beginning new

paragraphs whenever appropriate. You may use colors and combine these styles. If you become familiar with HTML, you will find a lot more possibilities (such as lists and tables).

That's easy. Here is a link to a Beginner's Guide to HTML.

To some extent you can. Powers are written as xn, indices as an. This makes expressions like f(x) = x3 (x2 + x - 1) and an = 1/n2 possible. The NOBR tag prevents a formula from being broken in two lines by the browser.

In case you want to represent you sheet as "HTML" but switch off the automatic HTML formatting, you may use the PRE command (with a correction of the font type, as the following example shows):

   3 (a + b)            a + b   
----------------  =  -----------
  9 a c  + 6          3 a c + 2 
When you are ready to do some trial and error, you may include powers and special symbols and use, if you like, the overall font type of this page:

   3 c (a + b)              a + b  
---------------------  =  -------------------
  9 a c  + 6 c2          3 a + 2 c 
For formulae containing special symbols such as

ò sin(a) da = - cos(a) + C

you may use the maths online HTML formula tool. (The TARGET command in the code for this link tells the browser to open the desired document in a new window).

Yes. You can proceed in two ways:
Method 1: Insert the full web addres of a graphics file into SRC="..." (source), irrespective of whether it is located at your server or somewhere else.
Method 2: If a graphics file (which you may have generated or donwloaded from the web) is located at your computer, you may insert its path (relative to the directory in which you want to save the worksheet) into SRC="...". However, afterwards you must change the HTML code of the sheet: Just use a text editor to erase the first line, containing the command BASE.
The ALIGN command provides several ways to place images relative to the text. HSPACE and VSPACE are responsible for the horizontal and vertical space between the image and the text.

A thumb rule: The more sophisticated your worksheet shall be designed (e.g. with regards to image positions or later corrections), the greater the possibility that an operation at the level of its HTML code is reasonable. In case this is necessary, just ignore everything except for the pieces of text you have inserted by yourself, which you easily find within the code when using a text editor.

When you are ready, you may fill in your name(s), or group name. (In case several names should appear below each other, they have to be separated by the symbol <BR>). Then click the appropriate button (depending on whether you have inserted plain text or HTML code).This will open a new browser window containing your sheet as a web page, suitable for being saved or printed.



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