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Denis Lubineau, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, France
E-mail message, March 22, 1999

I am currently working on a distance learning project for continuous education in Engineering Sciences ( developed by INPG, the Grenoble Public University of Technology/FRANCE. I'm quite impressed by the pedagogical interest of the site, and I would like to give my students access to some of your APPLETS. Would you mind if I download your APPLET code to install it in our site, in that case we garantee to maintain a link toward your site with your reference and no code modification will be done.

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards.

Denis Lubineau
INPG - Formation continue Projet ELAN
Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble

Of course you may download the applet class files and run the applets from your server. (Did you notice that you may download the whole site?)
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