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The day the alpha version of the shockwave plug-in was released I thought that it would be a great tool to use for letting people play with science on the web. While trying to finish my thesis I created a few of these science modules in my spare time to let people see the potential. Since I graduated I have continued to add simulations in my spare moments.

I have a broad range of ideas for this site including virtual biology, astronomy, chemistry, and of course physics (since I earned my Ph.D. in that field in '96). I'd like to keep all the files to a rather small size since people generally don't feel like spending time waiting for things to download, but even small files can provide great demos. If I had more time I would have several web pages that describe the science behind the "flash" of the demo but unfortunately I don't have that much time right now.

I graduated with my Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics at Michigan State University, enjoyed my one and a half years as a teaching post-doc in the University of Michigan Physics Department, spent one year as an Assistant Professor (Physics and Education) at the University of New Haven and served as the Physics Department Coordinator. I have now become part of a small startup company in Charlottesville, Virginia. Life continues to roll along, so stay tuned for more...

Feel free to drop me an e-mail message at and let me know what you thought of all this stuff. Feel free to visit my Home Page (last updated many, many months - or maybe years - ago...), or the main Cyber Maze HP where there are many fun things to see and do (although I haven't actually 'made' it there in quite a while).

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the "Shocking World of Science" site. If you have ideas for the site for future development, let me know!

Raman Pfaff


brought to you by Raman Pfaff (